Friday, July 10, 2020

Secrets of Succes

 50 Motivational Quotes From Inspiring Women Leaders like Oprah ...
Make yourself the star of your workplace. For this you must have clear and precise objectives to be achieved within a definite time- frame. Always respect and value time. Be result- oriented and keep track of hours .Monitors every minute of professional and leisure time. Respect the time of others as well as your own. Be always organised and write down everything you want to accomplish. Keep a list of your objectives , your lists of tasks to be done and your daily planners within you. Prioritize and approach your tasks is in a descending order is importance.The most important work should get the highest priority in the day's agenda. Other items should follow.Always focus on the task at hand. Each task should be given undivided attention. Do not clutter your mind with the things that could be done later or things already completed in the past.Simply concentrate on the task at hand.But before taking up a task make sure that it fits in well within your overall long term objectives.It should be worth your time and attention. Chalk out a strategy for attaining your objectives successfully. Always be on the look out for methods to improve your working. Update your skills constantly.You cannot do everything. Delegation of some tasks in one method of accomplishing more. 

You cannot always be successful.Hone your judgement and know when to quit. If you can do this, you will know when to call it quits and move forward without any anxiety , tension , guilt. Flexibility is a great quality . Result oriented people are realists. Time is not something solid. It is fluid.Like everything in life, schedules change constantly. Achievers get pleasure from shuffling tasks and still meeting their obligations on time. You can develop the habit of getting results from your efforts. It is question of developing skills through practice. Check yesterday's list again today's reality to access how close you are to the goals you have set for yourself.

Always make an assessment of yesterday's 'To Do' list to cross check how realistic it has turned out to be today. This will help you to avoid or rectify mistakes, If any, in your planning. Keep on visualizing your goals and lists of the task to be done. Close  your eyes and view yourself  doing the activity that you have chosen. Determine  how long will it take and assess your odds of success. Do  this for every activity on your 'To Do' list. This will enable you to modify, If necessary, your schedule in the light of changing priorities and make it more realistic Get into the habit of setting daily goals, achieving them and experiencing  the thrill of fulfilment. Shut the door on frequent interruptions and disturbances. Always try to be more productive and have a system to find out weather your efforts are generating an output in proportion to the amount of time you are spending on a particular tasks or a project . It is best to time your task throughout  the day. I prefer to use two watches and one of them is always in the stop watch mode so tham I am fully conscious of the time I should spend on exercise, a dinner or any other social function. Pay attention to the clock and regulate your timings. Work on your doubts which is another name for buts. We all have them . For improving your results  and skills, identity and address your personal 'buts'.
Motivation Images, Stock Photos & Vectors | Shutterstock

The more you can eliminate such angularities, the better and smoother your life will become. Always aim at making a contribution. 'Self - police' the meetings you attend by asking yourself , " How can I contribute more? Am I contributing anything worthwhile to such meetings"? Be fully prepared so that you can make a substantive contribution whether it is at meetings or social functions. 

Remind yourself of your goals. Read them aloud every day to make them tangible and personal.This way you will be able to maintain a high level of motivation. 

Thursday, July 9, 2020

Be Always Committed to your Cause.....

Be always committed to your cause. Be so engrossed in your work that you have hardly any time to think of anything else. The great secret of success is to do whatever you are to do and do it wholeheartedly. For many person happiness remain a chimera. However, it comes to those who seeks it in their work  and do not specifically look for it. Happiness is not something which can be felt or experienced at a given moment. 
girl, mood, smile, curls, happiness, joy wallpaper and desktop ...

It is in sense the quality of awhile life.It is a happy life which is fulfilled and a purposeful life. Happiness is a state of mind .It is not an absolute or tangible concept. It is not a something which can be considered in isolation. It varies from person to person. It has a lot to do with  faith hope , courage, and ideals to live by.

By and large fear, uncertainty, confusion, greed are the causes of much unhappiness and failure. But we have it in our power to meet the greatest challenge of our time .Plato defines happiness in terms of harmony within the soul. He equates it within the spiritual well -being of a  truly  virtuous man.Immanuel Kant, a pessimist, did not approve of the idea of happiness.He regarded the pursuits of one's own happiness a self centered act motivated by narrow considerations.According to J Krishnamurti : "Happiness is a state of which one is unconscious.It is only later when misery strikes does one realize how happy one was."
Happiness Wallpapers - Wallpaper Cave

One need not entirely accept what earlier thinkers have said or felt about happiness.It is ultimately our own perception and attitude to life which matter.Two people in similar circumstances may not exactly be happy or sad.They may not be a the same wavelength and their expectations may be different .SWAMI VIVEKANANDA said that the goal of man should not be to seek happiness or avoid  misery but to go to the roots of it all and masters the situation which is responsible for their creation. It is absolutely necessary to overcome the negative and harmful thoughts waves by countering them with good benginwaves and adopt a positive approach.If the water of a lagoon is dirty ,the bottom is not visible, similarly, only when the mind is positive , clear , and tranquil can lead us to victory.

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Believe that you can succeed

No success is possible unless you believe that you can succeed. Positive faith in yourself is both vital and crucial for success. This attitude with help your competence reaches visibly successful levels of performance and prepare you for hard work. An optimistic approach is a sine qua nom of success.

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Never look at the clock when you set out to achieve your goal. look at the task and ask yourself whether your output can be further improved. There is little room at the top. The top is always rarefied and limited space. Only one person can be there at a time. Do not be the one who gets left out for want of persistence, determination and commitment. Mediocre and strikers fall by the way. Never be a quitter because a quitter can never be a winner. The difference between success and happiness at every conceivable opportunity. The difference between success and failure is your attitude towards success and the strategies that you employ to achieve it. Never postpone your happiness and zest for life and work. You should make it a habit to enjoy your profession and your job all the time.

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Leo Tolstoy Wrote"People live not by the reason of any care they have for themselves but by the love for them that is in other people." Have only those people for friends, companions, and lovers who do their best to bring out the best in you. They will be of unlimited worth to you. Such persons understand what life means to you and your goals. They feel for you as you feel for yourselves. They are the ones who are bound to you in triumph and disasters. They provide a purpose to live and break the spell of loneliness. A true friend is worth befriending as he will always stand by you. But before you expect others to be the right person to be your friend you must also become one. Help each other towards achieving your respective goals. To love and to be loved is the greatest happiness of existence. IF you are happy, the hard journey on the road to success becomes pleasurable. Live your life kingsize. Just live it and never lose sight of your goal.

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Achieve goals

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How is it that some people achieve whatever goals they set for themselves while others stumble and crumble at every step? How is it that there are some winners and others are losers? To become a winner it is very important to find the right answers to this question. There are certain qualities and techniques which anybody can use to achieve success and reach the desired goals. The lives and qualities of successful people are the best beacon lights to success. Only a degree and formal college education don't need to equip you to succeed in life. Abraham Lincoln was self-educated. He acquired his education by borrowing books and reading them under the streetlights or by the light of a fire. Benjamin Franklin did not attend any school. The Wright brothers were no scientists. They were bicycle mechanics by profession. Yet they succeeded in giving the world the airplane. Success also does not necessarily depend upon one's hereditary and environment.

It is the result of inspiration, aspiration, desperation, and perspiration. Your luck generally changes as a result of the above inputs. There is always a fierce struggle on the road leading to your desired goal. No triumph comes without efforts and changing obstacles into tools for success.No  smooth sea has ever made a successful and a skillful mariner. Achieving your desired goals to succeed. Success begins in the mind. Whatever the mind of man can believe and conceive it can achieve. You should make a commitment to yourself to succeed. Do not believe that success is the result of either an accident or a fluke. Nothing is ever achieved without working for it with integrity, wisdom, commitment, and a success-oriented attitude. You have to accept responsibility for your decisions which will ultimately determine your destiny. Make your work and reaching your goals a delight. The best way to succeed is to accept and learn from your mistakes. It is a fact that luck only follows hard work. Master the fundamentals of whatever you are required to do. Keep on developing your character, confidence, values, beliefs, and personality by always keeping in view the examples and lives of successful people. You will notice that all successful people combine in themselves integrity, unselfishness, patience, understanding, conviction, courage, loyalty and self- esteem. They have both ability and character. Hence, they are successful in whatever they undertake.