Sunday, April 12, 2020

Achieve goals

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How is it that some people achieve whatever goals they set for themselves while others stumble and crumble at every step? How is it that there are some winners and others are losers? To become a winner it is very important to find the right answers to this question. There are certain qualities and techniques which anybody can use to achieve success and reach the desired goals. The lives and qualities of successful people are the best beacon lights to success. Only a degree and formal college education don't need to equip you to succeed in life. Abraham Lincoln was self-educated. He acquired his education by borrowing books and reading them under the streetlights or by the light of a fire. Benjamin Franklin did not attend any school. The Wright brothers were no scientists. They were bicycle mechanics by profession. Yet they succeeded in giving the world the airplane. Success also does not necessarily depend upon one's hereditary and environment.

It is the result of inspiration, aspiration, desperation, and perspiration. Your luck generally changes as a result of the above inputs. There is always a fierce struggle on the road leading to your desired goal. No triumph comes without efforts and changing obstacles into tools for success.No  smooth sea has ever made a successful and a skillful mariner. Achieving your desired goals to succeed. Success begins in the mind. Whatever the mind of man can believe and conceive it can achieve. You should make a commitment to yourself to succeed. Do not believe that success is the result of either an accident or a fluke. Nothing is ever achieved without working for it with integrity, wisdom, commitment, and a success-oriented attitude. You have to accept responsibility for your decisions which will ultimately determine your destiny. Make your work and reaching your goals a delight. The best way to succeed is to accept and learn from your mistakes. It is a fact that luck only follows hard work. Master the fundamentals of whatever you are required to do. Keep on developing your character, confidence, values, beliefs, and personality by always keeping in view the examples and lives of successful people. You will notice that all successful people combine in themselves integrity, unselfishness, patience, understanding, conviction, courage, loyalty and self- esteem. They have both ability and character. Hence, they are successful in whatever they undertake.

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